我们此项目的目标是创建和指导一支年轻的翻译团队以翻译伟大的经典。 我们从翻译成英文开始,从那里,作品就能够很容易地翻译成现代中文、西班牙文、德文、俄文和许多其他语言。 我们在世界各地的团队已经在进行我们的翻译工作。 我们的目标是完成更巨大的任务,将数十万页的古代智慧翻译成现代语言。
Translator Scholarship
The aim of our project is to create and guide a team of young translators to translate the great classics. We’re beginning by translating into English and from there, the work can be easily translated into modern Chinese, Spanish, German, Russian and many other languages. We have teams around the world already translating our work. Our aim is to complete a larger task to translate hundreds of thousands of pages of ancient wisdom into modern language.